In every case, if you want to change your performance and your results in any area of your life, you have to change your self—concept or your beliefs about yourself in that area. Fortunately, your beliefs are largely subjective. They are not always based on facts. Instead, they are based largely on information you have taken in and accepted as true, sometimes with very little evidence or proof.
The very worst beliefs you can have are self—limiting beliefs, of any kind. These are beliefs about yourself that cause you to feel somehow limited or deficient in a particular area. These beliefs are seldom true, but if you accept them as valid estimates of your ability, they become true for you, exactly as if they were correct.
The starting point of unlocking your potential, and accomplishing more than you ever have before, is for you to challenge your self-limiting beliefs. You begin this process of freeing yourself from self—limiting beliefs by imagining that, whatever they are, they are completely untrue. Imagine for the moment that you have no limitations on your abilities at all. Imagine that you could be, do or have anything you really wanted in life. Imagine that your potential is unlimited in any way.
For example, imagine that you could be earning twice as much as you are earning today. Imagine that you could be living in a bigger house, driving a better car and enjoying a more expensive lifestyle and impacting humanity.
This is how you begin changing your thinking and changing your life.